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EXCLUSIVE Interview With Musician Mikey Wax

Mikey Wax is an American pianist, guitarist, and singer-songwriter! You may have heard his single “You Lift Me Up” featured on a promo of Keeping Up With The Kardashians! With 57,000 subscribers on YouTube, his quick popularity is no joke!

We caught up with Mikey to talk all things music! Check out the interview below:

1. What inspires you to create music?

- I used to create music to release thoughts and events that were happening in my life. As I’ve grown as a musician, I now also like the idea of pretending or writing about different themes even if it’s not personal. When music becomes a job you have to continuously seek inspiration and things to write about.

2. How has the world of social media affected how you publish/create music?

- Social media has been extremely helpful for me. I have very loyal fans who continue to express how they feel about the music I make. It’s very cool.

3. Who are some of your musical inspirations?

- It changes frequently as well, but growing up I was deeply attached to the Beatles. Billy Joel, Dave Matthews Band, John Mayer, Coldplay to name a few. Nowadays I keep a close eye on pop music, but I still chill out to jazz and singers from the 40s and 50s.

4. What do you enjoy most about creating music?

- Good question. I enjoy the puzzle piecing of it; finding that right line or melody or lick that just completes the picture and puts it all together. I like to compare song writing to a Sudoku puzzle or crossword. You’re given a few starting points, and then you have to fill it in and you know when it works. It’s also the hardest part about creating music.

5. If you could collaborate with any musical artist (still on this earth or not) who would it be and why?

- In pop I’d say Ed Sheeran, Chris Martin, or Ryan Tedder. They are melodic geniuses and it would be cool to see their process.

6. Did you easily learn the guitar and piano?

- Piano came pretty naturally. I can’t really remember a time when I didn’t know how to play it’s been such a part of me from a young age. Guitar I picked up later on and I’m still learning. It’s much more of a challenge but I also like that I don’t fully understand it. It’s easier to sometimes create/invent on something you don’t fully understand.

7. If you weren’t pursuing music, what would you be doing?

- Oh man, probably something else creative or “not a typical” 9-5 job. I’d likely start my own business of some sort. If it comes to that I’ll let you know!

8. Any upcoming projects you’re currently working on?

- I have a lot of new songs I’m working on; been writing a lot of stuff, just figuring out how to put it all together and what to do with what.

9. what advice would you give to any aspiring musician growing up in the internet culture?

- Learn an instrument. While the internet is an amazing resource for marketing your music and reaching new fans, it can also become distracting and time consuming. Don’t forget to learn your instrument, and keep writing and working on your craft.