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'Very Animated People' Animates Your Favorite Comics

Do you love storytelling shows? Do you love comedy? Do you love the weirdness of your favorite comic animated? Then yes, you should be watching Very Animated People on Jash!

Watch Maria Bamford talking about being a weird, old married lady, right now!



Ready to binge watch now? We thought so. Check out Sarah Silverman talking about how it’s supes weird to talk to Aaron Sorkin when wearing a backpack at a weird party.



We can’t get over the gloriousness of the weird that is the Jash tone. Need more? Check out their shorts.

Anyway, the moral of this show is that comedians are just as awkward as you are, they just have way more famous friends… even though they feel more tangible when they are just animated creatures. We give this storytelling show on animated acid a ten out of ten likes.


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