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Forbes Just Released Their Top 15 Instagram Influencers

Forbes just released a list of their top 15 influencers on Instagram, and we honestly were a little surprised by who made the cut.


The ranking followed no real specifics regarding what an account had to have in order to make the list, and is more so about which users provided high quality content, no matter what the general theme of the account is.

“Their variety of backgrounds let followers see unique aspects of their lives along with their twist on a specific niche of content.” - Forbes

Among those who made the list were @cookinwithmima, @zaptio, @goodlife, and @nikkigiavasisofficial.

Their full list was comprised of wildly different accounts, which clearly proved that despite popular belief, Instagram really isn’t just for chic pictures of an aesthetic that always feels slightly out of reach.

Brandon Siwiak (@dollar), who was listed as number 8, surprised us the most because we didn’t even know who he was before Forbes introduced him to us.

Siwiak has multiple Instagram pages that are all single words such as @dollar, @squats, and @waist, which makes us wonder if part of his popularity has to do with the fact that he managed to snag such keyword handles early on.

Still, Siwiak is the perfect example of someone who is utilizing Instagram in a way that might not seem immediately successful, but has in fact given him a career within the social media platform.

After all, he bought a Lambo before he turned 21, so he’s gotta be doing well for himself.


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