Joe Sugg hit 8 million subs! Joe Sugg, younger brother of Zoe Sugg (Zoella) has only been on YouTube for 4 years and has already hit the massive number, that’s 2 million a year! Joe’s channel gained popularity when he as Casper Lee became roommates in London. They then created a prank war amongst each other and they quickly became the most popular videos on his channel. To celebrate Joe’s achievement, we’ve rounded up our favorite Joe Sugg videos!
Congrats to Joe! You’re close to getting that diamond play button!
1.Youtuber Innuendo Bingo With Zoella
2. Youtuber Whispers 3
3. Buzz Off - Chill Shot Challenge
4. Childbirth Simulator
5. Peg Prank on My Sister
6. Painful Bathroom Prank
7. My Sister Does My Makeup