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YouTuber Emma Blackery Just Shut Down Body Shamers

After viewers commented on her weight in her latest YouTube vlog, Emma Blackery vows to live her life the way she wants.

The comment section under YouTube videos can be brutal sometimes and Emma Blackery just experienced it for herself.  She posted an office tour vlog and fans noticed that she had gained a little bit of weight.

While Emma does admit there were an equal amount of positive comments, she couldn’t help but focus on the negative ones.

“After almost seven years of praise and compliments for what I create, sometimes… in fact, let’s be real, most times… I tend to gloss over them. I don’t know if this is down to a deeply-rooted sense of insecurity, but comments from people I don’t know saying how nice I look, or how I’ve helped them… sometimes it’s hard to let them in,” Emma shares in a blog post.

What she couldn’t gloss over were the insensitive comments that remarked on how she was “piling on the pounds” or that her legs were looking “a bit too big.”  She cites the reason for her weight gain as being on birth control pills and binge-snacking as a result of her poor mental health.

Despite the unkind words and the difficult time she’s going through, those miserable viewers on YouTube will have no effect on how she lives her life.

“So with all that said, is it time for a crash diet? Time to bust out the yoga three times a day? Well, no. If and when I decide to alter my diet (which affects my body, and my health) I will only ever do it for me, and not because some anonymous commenters on the Internet have told me to.”

This situation has only taught her to love and appreciate herself even more.  After a minor setback, Emma is already back to living her best life.

“I’m going to live my life the way I want, work hard, and continue to kick life’s ass to the point where I don’t have time to sit down and conjure up nasty shit to say to people online. […] I’m going to remind myself that I’m living my best life, here and now, with a partner who loves my body the way it is, and remember that I’m far too much of a boss to lose a day of work to a couple of comments.”

She probably also blasted her confidence-boosting self love-anthem “Agenda” as well to put her back on the right track.  Check out the song below!


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