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OMG Did Oprah Just Join The @ Pack?!

We’ve been talking about @ Pack non-stop (can you blame us?) and now a tweet by a very famous celeb has us wondering if they’ve just hit mega-star status!

Just yesterday, we came at you with the full list of @ Pack members, but while strolling Twitter, we saw a tweet that makes us wonder if there’s a member that has yet to be announced.

That’s right, the queen of all that is wonderful, OPRAH, tweeted this very cryptic text. To be completely honest, we have NO idea what the meaning is, but we can’t help but wonder if this is her way of joining up. Can you blame her?! The @ Pack is full of some of the funniest and cleverest influencers, so it’s not really that surprising that Oprah would want to join in.

Look, we know it’s a stretch - this is Oprah we’re talking about here. But, it begs the question: why tweet such a cryptic thing like this? And all you nay-sayers may call it an accidental tweet, but we’re in the mood to believe the best. So, until she says otherwise, we’re holding out hope that she’ll be announcing her @ Pack membership any day.

And we’re preeeeeeeety sure the whole @ Pack team would be 100% on board for it!